A doodle of mine for your enjoyment!
Well, Christmas has come and passed and we are just about to enter a whole new year...yikes! Where does the time go?! I'm excited as Santa was quite good to this freelance writer and artist this year...hehe. Actually I was really happy to get a bunch of great new art supplies and such, but the best part was being able to spend some time with my younger siblings. If I have not stated to before they are AMAZING!! But here I am back at home getting back to the grind. It seems getting new leads and finding new freelance writing jobs around the holidays is obviously tougher being that many people are off enjoying vacations. So I've taken the time to getting ahead on some projects and then doing some work on the blogs, tying up loose ends, and organizing. Always the most fun, not really.
But in terms of my freelance writing career I've been doing some thinking about what I hope to achieve, what kind of work I want to do, and then where I hope to be a few years from now. I am not one to make New Year's Resolutions because I think that many of them fall flat after only a few weeks, but I think that with the New Year I do want to think about planning my writing and art career. I am happy that I am now at a stable point in finding freelance writing jobs that I am not so stressed out about constantly looking for leads and I want to start focusing on what I want to do next.
In terms of writing there are so many possibility and I think I'd like to get serious about finding an agent for my book, getting my blogs more traffic, and then doing more with my art. Don't get me wrong, I do love writing articles for my clients on various topics and will continue to do so, but I think it would be fun to decide what I want to write about. I'd also like to find higher paying article sources and do some magazine article queries. So I'm not setting resolutions but goals I guess. If anyone else cares to share some goals or thoughts (or resolutions are fine too don't let my bias sound like judgment!) for their freelance writing, freelance art, or anything else I'd love to hear them!